September 19, 2024
Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods, a legendary figure in the golfing realm with fifteen major championships under his belt, was notably absent from Gary Player’s esteemed Grand Slam memorabilia. His temporary withdrawal from the golf scene due to plantar fasciitis and surgery has left fans yearning for his return to the course. Nonetheless, his memory continues to hold a special place in their hearts.

Woods often resurfaces in fans’ thoughts through the little things, and this time it happened on Reddit. And it was all thanks to the golf legend’s son, Charlie Woods, because of whom a video from the past recently gained momentum. And it had the fans chanting his dad’s name loudly online!

Tiger Woods is sometimes a spectator on the field
Woods shares a heartwarming relationship with his son, Charlie. It is no secret in the golf world. The 14-year-old has also taken after his father’s career and is budding into quite the golfer himself. In fact, fans have often pointed out that they see shades of Tiger Woods in Charlie’s game. And why won’t they? After all, Woods Sr. often coaches his sons, standing by him at events, and a past video, currently viral on Reddit, stands as proof of that!

Captioned, “Charlie Woods plays golf well,” the video features the young Woods’ performance from a couple of years ago. In it, once Charlie hits a shot, the commentators explain the details. “We believe it was a 5-foot and reached about 175 yards with dad just watching close by.” When the ball landed close to the hole, the commentator called it an “impressive shot and revealed: “It’s within about 4 feet for the eagle.”

Woods Jr. playing well would have undoubtedly been a proud moment for Tiger Woods. The commentators too picked up on that emotion and continued, “Charlie steps up and says, Dad, I got you on this.’” Charlie takes another shot and puts the ball in the hole. It was the only eagle of the day.

Tiger Woods never misses an opportunity to cheer for his son. Neither does he say no to practicing with him. Last year, in December, the two donned their red uniforms and played at the PNC Championship. Their team finished at 7-under 65, six shots back of the winner. Despite that, the fans adore the duo, which is apparent in their comments on the video.

The golf world holds a conversation concerning the father-son duo
Charlie’s game comes from his father. But what makes it better is his own zeal to get better at it. He dreams of becoming a professional. Some fans held conversations in the comments section of the Reddit video. And it covered a myriad of points. One pointed out that the video is quite old, and Charlie Woods has improved even more. “That was a couple of years ago. He is even better now. The biggest question is whether his dad makes him go to college before he turns pro.”

Another carried the topic forward and responded, “I doubt it. He has always said his son should follow his passions, and he won’t push him to do anything he doesn’t want to.” A third pitch was that “college is a fallback in case the sports career doesn’t work out. Get a free degree as insurance. This kid doesn’t need it. He’s gonna sign an 8 figure Nike deal the day he turns pro regardless if he wins a damn thing.”

Away from the conversation about Charlie’s college, another fan commented about how happy Tiger Woods was at his son’s swing. “Love Tiger’s dad energy.”

Another conversation in the comments section was about the injuries that the golfer faces. Especially their back problems. “Back problems when he’s older.” And the one who responded to them talked about the difference between adults and children’s body capacities. “Kid’s back are basically spaghetti at this age.”

In a fairly extensive response, a fan reflected on Tiger Woods’ habits earlier in his life. “Eh, maybe. Tiger was kind of a nut, though, and got a lot of his injuries doing kind of crazy shit. Training with Navy SEALS and shit, not to mention other extra-curricular activities that led to some crazy car wrecks.”

Replying to the caption of the video that talked about children playing well, a fan wrote, “Can’t imagine why he wouldn’t.” And perhaps excited to see the duo play together, a fan referenced the last time they saw them play officially. “PNC just 3.5 months away.”

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