Nationwide — Shanon Biles, the biological mother of Olympic champion Simone Biles, is asking her superstart daughter for forgiveness for abandoning her and her younger sister, Adria, when they were toddlers. But she wants her daughter to reach out first.Shanon, who is now 52 years old, admitted that she has struggled with drug and alcohol addiction, which led her to place Simone and her younger sister, Adria, in the care of their grandparents, Ron and Nellie Biles, when they were toddlers.
“I would like to make amends with Simone personally — I’m just waiting for her and Adria,” Shanon told the Daily Mail. “I would just ask her to forgive me. Can we move forward? Don’t judge me on my past. Let’s move forward. I’m waiting for the opportunity but I’m waiting on her to be able to come to me. Let’s sit down. I just have to be patient.”
Shanon has been following Simone’s success from her home in Columbus, Ohio. She said she watched Simone at the recent Olympics, where she won 3 gold medals and 1 silver.
However, she and her daughter do not have direct communication. Shanon relies on her father for updates about Simone, as the two remain distant.
“What I hear about Simone I hear through my dad. I speak to my dad all the time,” Shanon said. “If I need to know anything I call my dad. I ask him about Simone, and he keeps me posted.”
Despite her past, Shanon is now clean and sober, working as a cashier at a grocery store in Columbus, Ohio. Shanon regrets missing out on significant moments in Simone’s life, such as her wedding. She remains hopeful for reconciliation and tell Simone and Adria about the early struggles and express her pride and love.
“I’m not the person I used to be. I’m OK, today. I’m a loving person,” Shanon said.
Moreover, Shanon mentioned that Simone’s biological father, Kevin Clemons, also showed interest in reconnecting with Simone. Shanon has his contact information but prefers not to use it, leaving the initiative to Simone.
“I do have a direct number, but I won’t use it,” Shanon said. “I want her to reach out to me. She’s 27 now. She’s married. I would have liked to have been a part of that, but I just have to wait for her. You can’t push anybody.
“It hasn’t happened yet, but I have patience. I’m waiting on her.”